Been waiting for you, come on in. Nothing is far from the rushing river. It flows through the campground over boulders into waterfalls and swimming holes.
Tablecloths cover long tea party tables set with tea pots, large cups and crystal canters. The tables and mushroom stools lead rather steeply up the bank of the river. A spacious way away, yet still in the same camp are blacklight lit heather and flowers. Above are pulsating rope lights, paper lanterns, high branches, a mountain and the milky way.
People share the smoking pipes of many hookahs. The smoke is so mild it taste like flavored air. There are wins and loses. Ones who don't compete win, but it doesn't matter.
How light and little the need and how heavy and big the extras. Almost everyone is a burner, but there are also others, some who have never experienced Elysium. Giving to them may be easy to do. They are happy with a LED light or a can of beer. Giving and receiving in a more open wider form may take time, and time and time again.
A parade of ladies in lighted dress slides from camp to camp. Their skirts are so big and each so radiant that the whole road glows and moves. They arrive in ones and twos at the gully of the fabric mushroom lounge. Green laser dots fill the foliage and dash across the paths.
All the people gather, wait for and watch the fire shows. The fire spinners spin all about so perfectly weighted balls of flame on chains. Fires burn in chandeliers, in torches, in a sculpture of scales and the biggest one, in a swinging pit. The sun rises unnoticed by the fire watchers. The sky lightens; slowly the sun becomes stronger than the fire.
Faces face other faces with make up and red ping pong noses. Eyes with luminosity eye other eyes. Breaks of drifting, now thumpity, now trance play from the super sound systems of the stages. These have not been around long and only available to the DJ's for an even shorter period. Guitars play songs people know the words to. I-pods play everything.
Myriad merry motions are magical because of the characters making them. They ride a cart down the hill, blow bubbles and, for hours, play wiffle ball in the faded sparkle of parts of trippy raver coustumes. The ball game has bases and fields full nine member teams between a stage and a shower building. Reserves on the bench are too excited to sit. It is purple vs orange. The pitcher and the batter strut to the music.
Space and Consciousness
Details, patters and symbols abound, reflecting their creators and exhibitors. Spaces about things change, but slowly enough that the objects are understood. Groups cruise by them, apart but really together. So connected are they that even though there is plenty of space between them they sense each other and are sensed as one. One consciousness, one love. Everyone feels this.
Take down was fast, a complete vanishing of these physical manifestations. It left the earth healthier and goodness as the single unlimited dimension of the universe. Do all things in Goodness.
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