Leaving Reno about 8:30 Sunday Night we got to Empire at 11. We stopped at the Empire store, bought cold beer and waited for a while. There were lasers, LEDs, hats and costumes for sale. The store owners were grilling on a barbecue and filled up water barrels for people who made donations. People who got to the burning man gate before midnight were directed into a corral and had to wait until long after the people who got there on time got through.
Reception of the Burning Man Information Radio (BMIR) broadcast was clear from the turn off off the pavement. We got to the ticket checkers just after midnight. We had $210 tickets having gotten them online on the first day they went on sale. They searched the car for stowaways and asked if we had fireworks. Fireworks are confiscated, and set off nearby or saved for the Department of Public Works (DPW) party. Some were exploding a few yards away.
The greeters gave us the What, Where, When book and maps. Many art cars were near the greeters station for the opening. People came up to the car with completely unofficial "welcome home" greetings. We found at large camping on Hominid at about 7:50. We were joined by other open campers and all set up with minimal problems.
A open framed black Mad-Max-apocalypse truck with a roll bar sped into the DPW camp. It was going at about twice the speed the big Art Cars went, maybe 7 mph, and had excitement to it. It had no panels or roof or covering and was coated inside and out with layers of dust. The truck and the DPW had been on the playa for weeks working on the city infrastructure. There were a lot of people there because of a burninator show, coordinated propane tank fueled flames spouting from towers, or it could be the show happened because the people had gathered. The vehicle stopped suddenly, with a noise.
The driver leaped out, talked to someone and went back to retrieve a bottle of champagne. He was the guy who, the night before, rammed the clunker in front of a wood frame house-like structure open to the playa. It had, as before, skateboards, whiskey and flags. A red light that had shone on one of the flags was missing. A punk with a microphone hooked up to an awesome sound system playing the angriest possible music overlaid curses at the DPW for allegedly stealing the light and for the crash.
In response, DPW picked up a ball and dropped it on the hood. It was the bowling ball painted to look like a beach ball that hilariously fooled everybody who tried to play with it, and it made a big thud.
Also suspecting the DPW of something, was Green Couch Camp. They had marked the perimeter of their camp with a green couch when they got there early to set up and went back to Gerlach for something. The next time they saw it, it was in use, a mile away out by the trash fence. At least we don't have to haul it back home said the person who had had the couch at his house for 10 years. In appreciation for their work, burners watch happily as the DPW people commandeer whatever they want.
Time, Travel, Transportals and Temportals
Many installations and camps speculated about time travel. Arch was a ceramic arch that depicted the passage of time and gifted medallions. Temportal 2.1 was a metal-framed canvas structure designed to transport your consciousness forward and backwards in the evolutionary time line. Time travel camp welcomed time travelers from other times, but did not know how to repair broken time machines. Ideas travel though time too, forward and backwards across the playa. The future enters into us long before it happens. "Set" learned to Hold his Space from the Playa Shaman who wore a sign saying "talk to me," while conducting his vow of silence.
This idea came to the 2:22 Amethyst Portal and to the Temportal 2.1, and those who received the idea held their space at those places. They stayed as others came and went. They were rewarded for it, meeting Harlan, the creator of the Amethyst Portal. The Amethyst Portal is an indigo stellated dodecahedron constructed of wood and steel with an open interior space. Inside it is the Quasar Wave Transducer (QWT). The QWT is a subsonic sound device that emits the deep frequencies of human brain waves and of the Earth's Schumann resonance. This resonance is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field. It is determined by a formula that includes the radius of the Earth and the speed of light.
Harlan moved the whole thing from the spot where it was shown on the map to a spot deeper into the playa. This made it hard to find. He did it with a trailer and a truck under the full moon, with two people in it. When the QWT is operative the Transportal vibrates and gives the feeling of being transported even when there is no physical transport. So may small dodecahedron necklaces.
The Temportal was in deep playa and people drew and wrote for each other on the canvas walls and in a book. Breedlove drew a creature unconstrained by gravity. Someone wrote, "How will it evolve," and someone redrew it, more stylized in parts and more detailed in others. Evolution does not make exact, or even very close copies. Everyone and every group is different. It was the Temportal's second year, having been here in 2007 also.
Endangered Species.
Six black ten feet high cylinders spiral across the Black Rock Desert and a sculpture of an endangered species spirals around each of them. There is one endangered creature from each of five realms: reptile, Blue-tailed Mole Skink; bird, Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk; fish, Sockeye Salmon; arachnid, Kauai Cave Wolf Spider and mammal, Gray Wolf. The spiral is the most ancient symbol found on every civilized continent. The spiral of nature, art, mathematics - a constant form at all scales revolves around itself, ever evolving in syntropy.
Under the Gray Wolf's face was the life mask of the project creator. The sixth column was bare until noon on Monday when the creator made a plaster gauze life mask of a bearded artist who then hung it there. He wrote Yippie Ki Yea in silver under his image.
The Man, the Portal of Evolution and Danger
The Man was made mostly of wood. He had an extra-terrestrial organ in his lower abdomen made of neon that glowed even in the day. His arms were down until before he burned Saturday when they were raised. He was on a pedestal surrounded by large piles of lumber fastened together and stenciled with the words "unsafe to climb." More than one person commented that it did not say "Do not Climb."
On Saturday after the Man collapsed in fire, the fire was much too hot to be approached. Near the fire two people sat down and opened their arms, hands and fingers out in the way that people do when they sit together and chant "Ommmmm". People joined them protecting others from running into the fire as it seemed they were wont to do. One person jogged between the seated people and the fire.
"Do you need anything notarized?" he asked.
"Of course." was the response and a State of Ohio seal was placed on a Zaemura card. The fire burned on. People who had been into this inferno, or other infernos of such intensity knew how life threatening it could be. Someone ran in.
"Get the fuck out of there!" the Shaman screamed. He made it out.
Portal of Evolution, near the man was supposed to be climbed. It was formed with petal like steel plates from which sprung fallopian tubes and ovaries. Emerging from the top was a kinetic butterfly. Burning Man can be dangerous. This is particularly so for those who jump off of tall places, jump bikes on ramps over couches, or aggressively stay too close to the hottest fires. Also, for those who sky dive in. Several parachutes did not open. In these cases the divers were saved by reserve chutes, yet some were injured.
People riding the Slide, a huge sculpture that people slid down suffered injuries. too. A couple of people showed up at a parties disoriented, became unresponsive and then medical take outs. The medical stations treated injuries from bike riding and dust in the eyes. The playa was in good condition for bike riding, but there were plenty of soft spots that would bring a bike to a knee jarring halt. Yet, the tangled bank was more alive for the danger than consensus reality could ever be.
Neverwas Haul.
One of the more creative mutant vehicles was the Neverwas Haul, a self propelled three story Victorian House. It was based on a Jules Verne inspired imaginary world. For the first time after several years on the playa, its engine room was open. An engineer explained how they got it working. One of the builders was 80. Another told of how badges can mean little at Burning Man. He had a Community Bike Liberation Force (CBLF) badge that he wore when he cut off locks from Green Bikes with bolt cutters. Green Bikes are community bikes that are not supposed to be locked.
Mutant Vehicle Polaroid Photo Booth.
The Mutant Vehicle Polaroid Photo Booth was a large outdoor photo studio where artists interacted. Huge black tarps were affixed to the vertical surface of a 4 story climbable scaffold. White tarps were laced together and strung by cables from the top of the scaffold to the top to poles that were the tallest thing on the playa. The cables didn't go in easily. From atop a tall ladder, with one person standing close to the top and two people below, they tried and failed to pull the cable in with their hands. They only succeeded after deploying a system of ratcheted pulleys. Once in place the cables were cinched and the tarps fluttered beautifully like the ones over Center Camp.
Even vehicles with tall masts fit in the Booth. It was oriented to put the vehicles in the best light. It was at a good distance from the Opulent Temple to hear the beats. The Booth was in its full undamaged glory for only a day or so. An antenna from a vehicle dragged across the canopy. It sprung up in the lacing between the tarps and tore them. The winds then did further damage overnight leaving the Booth still usable but much of its canopy ripping apart. The art cars also showed how harsh the winds could be. The Raining Man themed art car had its umbrellas blown off, but its dolls remained.
Summit of Artists.
Mutant Vehicles are a high art. Artists do sell them. If a sale takes place on the cell phone, one party in consensus reality and one at BM, where does the sale take place? The Mutant Vehicles are not cars, even though we all call them art cars. The operative word is Mutant. They can't look like their original form unless they are a big party bus and the value is community involvement.
People have hauled in their vehicles after investing lots of money and time, only to be denied a license by the DMV. The Mutant Vehicle Polaroid Photo Booth was to the DMV what the Greeters Station was to the Ticket Checkers -- a friendly and stress free stop after you had arrived.
The Mutant Vehicle Polaroid Photo Booth people greeted the artist and crew of each Mutant Vehicle. They took the time to understand the vision of each work of art. They amplified each others' happiness in meeting. It went higher and higher. It is infinite. They would part so the shot could be taken. Next, a countdown to the opening of the shutter: 3, 2, 1 . . . open. The essence of each of them then emerged in the long held poses they struck as Owen exposed the last remaining film of its type.
Raygun Gothic Rocketship.
The Raygun Gothic Rocketship was an immersive large scale installation consisting of a 40' tall metal rocketship. People explored the rocket's three interior chambers. The ship was set to launch early Friday night and thousands gathered for the event. Rumor had it that it would rise three feet off the ground. There was a delay because the winds were too fierce for the skydivers, who were to be part of the show. While waiting for the launch a dancer danced inside the perimeter. A Perimeter Keeper showed her a laminated badge and she in turn showed her badge to him and kept on dancing. Did they both get their badges from Lamination Camp?
After an hour delay, the show went on without the skydivers. Plasma gas explosions of most unusual and vivid violets and greens went off. Then, there was a fire and bombs. The astronaut jumped out of the ship onto the gantry. He shot massive fireworks out of all parts of his body, front and back, legs and arms as he did somersaults down the walkway to the crowd.
Blending into the Desert.
After a few days people adapt to the desert, and they look the part. They wear or carry their goggles or water or bandannas or hat or pack in a way such that one can feel that they are not affectations but part of their playa selves. "When did you get in?" was a good question because different words flow between people who have been there for longer. Even the same words, "How's your burn going?" or "Have you seen the Slide?" or whatever installation was on your mind will have a different meaning.
One Rocket ship launch viewer had close to every possible bandanna on his head. Bandannas come in stock colors and patterns. Camouflage, baby blue, dark blue, gray, white, yellowish. People lose and find them, give and receive and return them. Soaking and wearing a bandanna provides relief from the sun, a shirt provides even more. The bandanna guy had also had leggings and strings and pieces of cloth tied to him as bracelets and necklaces and a sling shot. He had found everything he was wearing and wore it perfectly.
A rickshaw pulled up and the people, one peddler and three riders wanted to know where the French people were camped. The Europeans were festive and had a lot of style and miscellaneous good costumes. Other people had a Rainbow Festival look. None of them looked as cool as the American kid in the bandannas however.
Food, Hammocks, Rope Swing, Om and BRCPO.
The Black Rock Diner had grilled cheese sandwiches at Midnight Tuesday and at 4am Thursday. The Philadelphia Experiment had pancakes Sunday morning. The Hammock Hangout had really comfortable hammocks. Mystical Misfits had a big rope swing swinging amid their party and chill space inside a high ceilinged scaffold structure. Zome Mani Padme Zome had a thousand English word translation of Om Mah Nay Ped May Hoom. Jewel in the heart of the lotus ... path and experience of universality ... The Black Rock City Post Office (BRCPO) sent post cards.
Geodesic domes won over scaffolds, carports, campers, yurts, RVs, shade canopies, vans and tents. They are the coolest subset of the cool climbable steel sculptures that are as much a part of burning man as bicycles. The coolest of the domes was very big and unskinned, that is to say uncovered. The struts averaged about 5' and were painted many different colors. The whole thing was lit with powerful black lights from a dozen columns mounted around it. Jessue built it.
It was at least 6v. The number of varied strut lengths of a geodesic dome, the v, indicate its complexity and size. For example, a 2v dome requires 35 struts of one length and 30 of another. Specifications for the higher v domes are much more involved. Whereas, a 1v can be made well with PVC and duct tape. Bigger ones are made from steel tubes that come in 10' lengths. They are cut leaving room on each side to flatten and to drill bolt holes in. A press is needed to do this well. The struts have to be bent to specific angles. After setting up even a simple 1v, one can appreciate the skill involved in building a big dome. And, also how help is needed to do it. The best playa gifts are not trinkets or food, or substances, but being there for somebody with a tool or a helping hand.
People climbed on this dome day and night all week long. The slope of the climb lessened closer to the top. The views were great, of the playa and of the other climbers. They hung on it, rightside up and upside down, from their feet, from silk and from ropes. They stretched and swung and played catch. White socks and clothing glowed and moved in the black light visible from the Golden Cafe, Tetris Camp, other nearby places and from as far away as the Rocketship. It made the people look so vibrant. It was better than bar lighting.
Jessue Dome was bigger than the Thunder Dome. It might have been the biggest Dome out there other than the Root Society Dome. The Root Society is an institution with many people in it spending on not just the dome, but fuel, trips to consensus reality, big diesel generators, service trucks, equipment repair and replacement, electrical and electronic circuits and work and power plants.
As human nature and perception have evolved, whether we feel with our heart, question with our mind, or attempt to explain our reality, fire has been at our center. At the center of the temple, a three story, lotus shaped construction, is the fire. There was a wedding at the temple. Later on, as the temple burned Calico stepped in and encountered a heat wall -- space so hot that it formed a force field. He set down the offerings of his deceased relatives in the spaces to which he was moved by the force.
The precepts of Zoroastrianism may match burning man principles and reality more closely than any other religion. Particularly, rejection of monasticism and participation in life through good deeds to ensure happiness and free will. Also, somewhat, fire as an agent of ritual purity and prayer in the presence of fire. As for purgation of evil from earth through a tidal wave of molten metal, this may be a long while into the future. There is not enough metal around to create a tidal wave, nor enough heat to melt it. We can wait. Burner evil is mild, mostly just tin can Matter Out of Place (MOOP.) Zoroastrians do not proselytize. Don't try to convert someone to be a burner. She has to want it on her own.
Alcohol was plentiful and probably the most widely shared substance. A Bloody Mary with extra Tang and vodka at Duck Camp started off the burn. Absinthe Camp had a wonderful variety of wormwood infused liquor. The Monsoon Masala was spiced with a powerful array of Indian fragrances. A Grenadine, Bacardi and orange juice was enjoyed at the Swashbuckler Sunrise Saloon in the company of the Janky Barge people. This bar may change its name from year to year. There are things to know about it. First, enter only through the imaginary front door. Second, there are no other rules but gifts of liqueur are really appreciated.
Back to the recollection of drinks -- vodka at Arachnophobia. The bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean. Tabasco sauce and bitter beer after tablets of miracle fruit extract at Miracle Fruit Camp which made hot mild and bitter sweet. Coconut Vodka from a Pirate Rum bottle, with a ship on it. This was a delicious drinking round as the person who most needed a drink explained his woes as the bar opened. He had wanted to do the shade structure in his camp the right way, but everybody else decided to do it the wrong way. As it turned out the drink solved the problem.
Even though drinking had an amplified wonder it was only one of a thousands of physio-psycho-social themes. Many people did not drink at all. It is as hard to tell what the most significant substance on the playa is, as it is to tell its predominate religion.
Music and Games.
Axle played his guitar. Don played the Piano. A Diva sung French and Italian operas in Center Camp. Caveboy cut a CD -- Connect the Dots, Sounds from the Deep Playa vol.3. Infected Mushroom and Armin Van Buren played at the Opulent Temple. A high ethereal trace vibrated throughout the city.
People played a die game. The person with the die asked who wanted to play. He would then name something that the players would have to do if he rolled a 1. Next he would roll. Most of the people were in. The, bartender wasn't; he said he had to watch the bar. The shooter named his thing -- Grab the man of your choice and give him the hardest spanking you can. "And, that includes you," he said to the bartender, who then became interested in the roll of the die. A game of a different kind was Groovik's Cube, an electronic version of Rubik's Cube the size of a house. The power to solve it was split between three separate control stations. Participants solved it at least five times.
There was a storm. It was videotaped passing through the Whine of the Winds, a collection of sounding weathervanes. Other than that, the weather was pretty good -- fairly warm, even at night. Some meteors came out of the NorthEast perhaps from the Perseid constellation, as that known shower was not that long ago. People lingered and danced through the sunrises and sunrise parties at Space Elevator. One morning the moon set just before the sun rose. Thank you Sunrise Coffee Camp, for the coffee.
More Fires and Fire Effects.
All week people left burnables at the burn barrels. Paper bags are great for this purpose. People also dropped off wood. The really big burn barrels, ones so big you could stand in them and not touch any end, were used more toward the end of the week. They were burning during the day Saturday and Sunday and the Monday after the temple burn. People played kickball with flaming wood. People met at the Dustfish burn barrel on the Esplanade, at the Vamp Camp cauldron in the city and at burns and fire effects on the playa. There was a fire ceiling effect on a big sheet of plywood that was anchored in the huge 9:00 burn barrel in such a way that people looked up at it.
Two good fire effects were the Chimera Sententia aka the Fish Bug and Soma. The Fish Bug was a steel based structure. Fire shot out of the extremities of its spine increasing its space. Soma was sculpted as two neurons and fire used for the transmission of information.
Evo-Wall, The Maze, Lighthouse Project 2.0 and Vishnu's Dream.
Oh, so good too were: The Evo-Wall -- a woodpile; The Care Factor Nil Maze -- the trick was to overcome the misdirection and duck under the fence where the bottom half was removed; a Lighthouse and Vishnu's Dream, a ring of cobras framing scenes from evolution and supporting a lotus flower above.
Happy New Year
Our year rolls over as the last burning ember of the temple fades into oblivion. We spent more than a week on the tangled bank. There was enough to see and do for a lifetime. Some pictures are at and
videos at
Evolutionary progress transcends the individual. Mutation of social systems now occur, sometimes quickly. Social and personal boundaries, the structures of society, may dissolve leaving an unpredictable meaning to random contacts. A good and lasting advancement for the human species. Calico is now also Random. Ganesha is now also Parrot. The default world is now also known as consensus reality.
2010 art theme: "Metropolis: The Life of Cities."
1 comment:
Glad you liked and sussed out our maze! Here's some other people working it out too:
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